Our lacto-vegetarian restaurant only serves the tastiest and freshest fare mostly using produce from our organic farms and local markets. We like to call Aunte Afi the best Cook at Lake Bosomtwe, and after you taste her food, we hope you will agree with us :)
She and her kitchen team cook a different stew or sauce each meal but the basics of the daily menu remain the same. They also prepare some homemade juices and desserts to surprise you.
We love organic food and believe to be health-conscious so we do NOT use any Maggi cubes nor artificial flavours nor do we sell any minerals such as Fanta or Coke.
As coffee lovers, we propose filtered quality coffee only, there is no Nescafé on the menu. A selection of herbal teas will also give you a treat as well as a natural cocoa hot or cold drink.
And for the wine amateurs, we stock white and rosé wines in the fridge, and there is always red wine available too, by the glass or by the bottle. The wines are all South African. Large and small local beers are always chilled from the freezer to quench heavy thirsts ! Ghana can be hot !!
While you enjoy our food you will also enjoy the stunning view across the lake and mountains. Meals are served on the veranda above the Queen room and the Triple bedroom with a 180-degree ample view of the area.
Last but not least, we would like to underline that one of the most important developments from the conception of this project was to be water independent and by visiting us you will benefit from this too.
We have our own borehole that was drilled into 45 meters of rocks and from which we extract natural mineral water unlimitedly and that we also carbon filter. This water comes at every outlet of the Green Ranch and is guaranteed all pure and safe.
It is our way to reduce plastic consumption and treatment. We always keep a good supply in our fridge in reusable glass bottles so you can enjoy glass after glass of cool fresh drinking water. And it's Free :)
In other words, while staying at the Green Ranch, you will not spend on drinking water NOR will you create unbearable plastic waste !